Rudy's Last Journey

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Beyond the Grave

Late. A. Rudy Moses. B.Tech. M.B.A
Late Mr. Rudy Moses. B.Tech, M.B.A, who met with a scooter accident on 4.11.2013 and eventually died in a hospital in Bangalore on the 8th.November 2013, was our only son and Bethel's future. He was a general body member of this National NGO. Molly and I are in our 60+ age level and both are diabetic. He was our future, security and bread winner. We expected Rudy to take up the total responsibility of Bethel and the church planting ministries. Bethel ministries and mission work is undertaken by faith in the Living God and His promises. We do not have any missions or church agencies funding us yet. Only hand count friends support Bethel with their sacrificial contributions which are small. 

We were planning to get Rudy married with a Doctor of Medicine, and convert Bethel Campus into a medical mission centre. His marriage would have taken place in the early months of 2014, before the passover lent days. His and our dreams are now shattered. Our son could have been saved if some one came forward to rush him to a hospital. And he should have been provided a "Ventilator" and "Oxygen mask". He died because no one seriously cared to show him compassion and care. We were 525 kilo meters away as I had a preaching engagement in the "Apostolic Church" in Gudalur, Ooty and the dedication of our 1st grandson.

How ever we prayer fully and with the guidance of very senior servants of the Lord, decided to go for a fundraising as.."Rudy's Memorial Fund". We will use it for three important projects.

1.  We will provide grants to accident victim who are from very poor family background, no
     matter from which family, community and creed they come  from.

2. We will provide 5 yearly scholarships to 5 young people to persuade university and technical

3.  We will provide, counseling,  rehabilitation and job training to those who are addicted to
     alcohol and other drugs-addicted.

I come to you in the name of Jesus the Lord, and request that you contribute generously to this noble cause. You may contribute from 5$ to 5 Million dollars. Bethel is a God centered national NGO and is accountability oriented with tax exemption. We will issue on the spot receipt to every single donation we receive. And our humble request to you is that you may kindly pray for us and the ministry we endeavor for the Lord. We will be extremely grateful, if you can spread the news with your friends, community and church members,.

Kindly contact me for any details,

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